Healthcare facilities include everything from cutting edge hospitals and ground-breaking research campuses, to telehealth centers and small specialty clinics. It doesn’t matter if you’re working on pre-construction for the newest medical facility or breathing new life into an existing facility, it is an exciting, diverse sector to be involved in.
Unique challenges of healthcare facilities make them a great fit for Territorial Electric not only because of the attention to detail and immaculate install methods required, but because of the broad history of healthcare facilities in our portfolio. Z-32 testing, unique and extensive grounding standards, as well as emergency power requirements set these facilities apart from others that may appear the same on the exterior.
Territorial Electric is proud to have been part of all the healthcare facilities in our history and look forward to being a key partner for innovation and design for the future of Alberta healthcare facilities.
Our highlighted healthcare construction experience includes:
Recreational facilities take many different forms and can thrive in various places, but they share all share the common goal of improving the physical and emotional well being of those who utilize them.
Long before developing programs or purchasing the right equipment, preliminary discussions and pre-construction decisions will significantly impact the way a facility is built and how well it meets the needs of the community, now, and in the future.
Territorial Electric has been fortunate to have an eclectic history with recreational facilities ranging from full multi-use complexes, to upgrades to existing facilities needing a revitalization in their communities. These experiences give Territorial Electric insight that is invaluable for the electrical needs, and challenges of these unique facilities.
Our highlighted recreational construction experience includes:
Although institutional construction encompasses healthcare, and some recreational facilities, in this section it is our goal to highlight post-secondary, government and private institutional buildings.
Institutional buildings are generally civic buildings that can be publicly or privately funded. They can be anything from Court Houses to Art Galleries and often house specialized rooms such as theatres, detention facilities, laboratories, and public gathering spaces. Modern facilities are constantly getting more complicated not only in architectural design, but also in functionality often incorporating complex building systems and functionalities to make the space more adaptable.
Institutional facilities in the capital region have been a vital part of Territorial Electric’s growth over our history and it goes without saying that we can offer incredible value in this sector given our rich history and involvement.
Our highlighted institutional construction experience includes:
A common myth is that older facilities are energy hogs that struggle to meet today’s sustainability targets. While older antiquated facilities do come with unique challenges, modernizations of historic or mature building’s infrastructure can be extremely successful. Modernizations allow building operators or owners to achieve or exceed desired energy performance while still preserving the character that older buildings exhibit for future generations to appreciate.
Modernizations can be complex, challenging, and downright mysterious, due to the evolution of building techniques and acceptable codes throughout the course of the building’s life. Investigation, strong pre-planning and pre-construction are essential to making any modernization a success. Reinvigorating established facilities is also one of the most rewarding accomplishments in modern construction.
Due to Territorial Electric’s long time in the industry, we are starting to see modernizations of facilities we were a part of during initial construction, and this is an advantage to understanding construction practices of these eras. Modernizations can also take a different form, which is repurposing existing buildings into new and exciting spaces of a completely different nature.
Our highlighted modernization construction experience includes:
General Commercial
The broadest of all construction categories, commercial construction as we will define it will focus on restaurants, retail & grocery stores, shopping malls, and accommodation-based facilities such as hotels and apartments. Commercial construction is generally broken into 3 size categories of small, medium, and large scale, each with their own set of contests and criteria. Small scale commercial can be less complicated but faster pace creating the opportunity for congested work environments. Medium size projects can also be unique with challenges of correctly staffing and straining budgets. Finally, large scale project can present escalation and cost increase if not properly prepared.
This general sector is where Territorial Electric got its start, and still a very vibrant part of our current success. Often brought on board to mitigate all the potential upsets mentioned above, Territorial Electric is as a true partner in the commercial construction industry. Whether it is an office fit-out project in an existing building, or a state-of-the-art warehouse mixed with office space, we have contributed to some of the most successful projects in the capital region.
Our highlighted commercial construction experience includes:
Light Industrial
Light Industrial construction is often highly specialized warehouse, shipping, and manufacturing facilities. Research and Development facilities also share a lot of traits with a typical light industrial project. Process and manufacturing facilities have been peppered throughout our history, and often lead to long relationships for future service and maintenance of these facilities.
Install environments can be substantially different from a typical commercial, recreational, or institutional project and expertise to construct a world class facility in this sector has been proven time and time again.